If you are tired of politics as usual....Well, you have a choice come March 19th. You have a chance to send a real honest to goodness patriot to Columbus to drastically reform the Republican Party and clean out the establishment.

A new day is dawning Ohio...

The Ohio Republican Party is in shambles! Dedicated Republicans are fed up with an entrenched establishment that fails to build passion for the party. This is the short-sighted reason why, that even though Republican candidates are more popular than ever - the Republican PARTY cannot raise funds like it once used to. Republicans are sick of the lack of transparency, lies, grandstanding, unethical actions, and the immoral sickness that is ever present in the party. This lack of honor and integrity stems from power and status hungry members of the State Central Committee, and the misguided course that Republican leadership has charted for the party. Too many State Central Committee members hold positions as political favors to benefit themselves, disconnecting them from true Republican ideals - allow them to approve of a system of money laundering that allows the party to be sold to the highest bidder. As Republicans we need to demand leaders who can reignite enthusiasm, act with honesty and integrity, and grow a party we can proudly stand behind. It's time for a fiery revival of the GOP in Ohio!


Spirited and passionate Republicans are often cast as extremists by the mainstream media. But let us remember, what one generation deems as extremism, another recognizes as common sense. Our strength lies not in division but in embracing the diversity of ideas that forge the very fabric of our nation.

Not every viewpoint carries equal weight, and it is a fallacy to believe that we must lend credence to all perspectives. Our rejection of big government and extravagant spending is not a sign of lacking, but rather a testament to our commitment to fiscal responsibility. Skepticism toward an overbearing government is not a mental defect; it is a demand for transparency and proof.

We can steadfastly repudiate tyranny, insisting that the new generations face the challenges of failure and success in the unfettered arena of the free market. Our collective betterment stems from the pursuit of exceptionalism and rugged individualism, steering clear of complete dependence on government.

Government should not assume the role of our conscience in matters of charity, for in doing so, we risk becoming a people devoid of empathy and personal responsibility. It is imperative to resist the lure of dependence on government, a temptation that has ensnared many of my generation within the confines of our educational systems, reflective of socialist ideologies.

As we navigate the evolving landscape, let us dispel the notion that the safety and security of government necessitate surrendering our freedom for a vague notion of the greater good. A chasm has emerged between generations, fueled by the belief that socialism is the inevitable path forward. Yet, it is not too late to staunchly resist and emerge victorious in defense of our American values. In unity and resilience, we can safeguard the principles that define the soul of our great nation.

Ohio Revised Code 3599.04 prohibits the earmarking of funds into the Ohio Republican Party's State Candidate fund TO AVOID OHIO'S CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS. Any political party channeling donations into the State Candidate's fund at the behest of donors or candidates, in my perspective, constitutes a contribution for illegal election purposes, reflecting an intent to sidestep campaign finance regulations.

Ohio's legal framework restricts corporations from directly contributing to candidates, as concerns loom over potential undue influence on legislators, diverting them from representing constituents to prioritizing corporate interests. However, corporations are legally permitted to make contributions to political parties. Notably, even when a high-net-worth individual reaches the maximum allowable contribution to a candidate, they can still contribute to the candidate's affiliated political party. It is essential to underscore that funds allocated to the party's State Candidate's fund should ideally adhere to the preferences of the State Central Committee members.

Any form of assurance or coordination by Republican leadership, indicating a specific distribution of funds from the State Candidate's fund, could be perceived as a deliberate effort to circumvent campaign finance laws. For instance, a scenario where a major healthcare system donates $50,000 to the State Candidate's fund, coordinating with the party chairman to direct it towards a particular candidate's re-election fund, would raise serious legal concerns. The appropriate response from the Chairman should unequivocally reject any attempt to assist the donor in circumventing Ohio's campaign finance laws.

Regrettably, video and audio recordings suggest a pattern of disregard for these laws within Republican leadership, raising legitimate concerns about compliance and adherence to established legal boundaries. Addressing these issues is crucial to upholding the integrity of Ohio's campaign finance regulations and ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process.

David Johnson - former Ohio Republican Party treasurer seems to admit to circumventing campaign finance laws.


  • Ensure that CCC (County Central Committee)members are easy to contact and that they respond to registered Republican questions and complaints. Work with CCC Chairmen to resolve issues that hurt the Republican brand

  • Develop a Mission, Vision, Goals, Priorities, and Platform to define the State Party

  • Develop long-term and short-term legislative objectives

  • Ensure donations are being spent wisely

  • Ensure that the Chairman and other officers are not abusing their power

  • Sit on standing and adhoc subcommittees of the SCC (State Central Committee)

  • SCC members have a duty to unbiasedly inform republican voters by requiring debates or town halls for State -level candidates

  • SCC member have a duty to have a Republican Convention in even numbered years and a Republican Jamboree in odd numbered years

  • SCC members elect the Ohio Republican National Convention Delegates

  • Attend the CCC meetings in their district

  • Ask CCCs for input on what the State Party can be doing better

  • Help coordinate party registration efforts with the counties in their district

  • Help coordinate fundraisers in their district so they don't overlap or interfere with State fundraising events

  • Help to secure lists and technology platforms from the State for County parties to use for campaigning efforts

  • Help find candidates to run for office and help them with networking and educational opportunities

  • Work to consolidate vendors by encouraging county leaders and campaigns to use SCC vendors to help lower costs overall costs by using volume discounts

  • Work with the CCCs to have debates and candidates night within their districts

  • Encourage the CCCS to adopt the State and National platforms

  • Help evaluate the performance of CCCs and their efforts to expand Republican Registration, their ability to provide a level playing field for the candidates up to the primary election, in for the SCC if the CCC needs help

  • Help to arrange rallies in their district with inspiring speakers when morale is low

  • Write letters to the editor

  • Work with CCC Chairmen to produce a monthly newsletter to keep CCC members abreast of what is going on at the SCC

  • Work to help get Young Republican organizations started in your district if they do not exist

  • Make yourself available to High School Teachers to come in and talk about how the County and State Central Committee operate, their importance, and how they can get involved


Here are just a few of the duties that Ohio's Republican State Central Committee Members should be responsible for. These are Common Duties in other State for their State Central Committee Members. In Ohio - we either do not do these things or are dissuaded from doing anything that may engender passion for the party.

  • Christian, wife, and mother of six.

  • Constitutionalist, fiscal conservative, small business owner, and lifelong learner.

  • Pro-life, Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-family, and Pro-freedom.

  • Certified teacher with the Institute on the Constitution, homeschooling for 16 years.

  • Holds a degree in English and a bachelor's degree in Political Science from Liberty University.

  • Serves as a board member with Ohio Stands Up.

  • Author of Update from Jess Franz ORP SCC 5 newsletter.


  • Opposed Biden's changes to Title IX.

  • Advocated for ORP to become a Pro-Life Party.

  • Co-sponsored Resolution to Censure the Blue 22.

  • Supported Legislation Requiring 60% to Amend the Ohio Constitution.

  • Advocated for Fairness and Transparency in Committee Resources Access.

  • Supported Partisan School Board Races.

  • Urged Passage of HB 68 SAFE Act and HB 8 Parents Right to Know Act.

  • Opposed Ohio Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment (Issue 1).

  • Protected the Sanctity of Life for the Preborn in Ohio.

  • Co-Sponsored Resolution to Condemn Hamas and Antisemitism Globally.

  • Opposed Recreational Marijuana Legalization (Issue 2).

  • Supported Legislation to Prohibit Mask Mandates.

What I have supported :

I promise to listen to the constituents of District 5 about which candidates to support. I will not support candidates that have been selected through backroom deals and party engineering. I do not support DeWine and I don’t believe the Party should endorse prior to the primary. I will work hard to restore honor and integrity to the Ohio Republican party by promoting a climate that is not accepting of corruption. I will push for party reform by contending for yearly audits, a quarterly budget, a code of ethics, and by advocating for the elimination of appointees. The party needs to get back to engaging everyday Republicans and not just the political elites. If I am elected to the State Central Committee, I will demand accountability and transparency.



PHONE: (937) 499-4435



I am very proud to be one of the three founders of the Ohio Conservatives In Action Caucus. This caucus of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee has constantly pushed to build passion for the Ohio Republican Party while seeking massive reforms within the party.