1. Thread Initiation:

    • Any member of the Central Committee can start a thread on the approved online forum. This is equivalent to making a motion. (Loomio.com or ProBoard.com for larger Central Committees)

    • Members should allow for sufficient discussion and deliberation on the thread before posting a poll. (The Central Committee can set a standard time limit)

    • A member has the right to end their own poll prematurely, amend the thread, and post an amended poll.

  2. Polls and Debate Determination:

    • The committee decides the quorum threshold for a thread.

    • All polls will have at least three options: Agree, Disagree, and Debate.

    • If 60% or more of the entire Central Committee vote is Agree or Disagree, no debate is required.

    • If the top vote is less than 60% (Agree or Disagree), a debate is necessary.

    • If 25% or more vote for Debate, there will be a debate unless the 60% threshold is met.

  3. Adoption of Items:

    • If a poll is won with 60% or more Agree votes, the item is adopted.

    • If a poll is lost with 60% or more Disagree votes, the item is not adopted.

    • All adopted items will be read into the record at the next physical meeting.

  4. Meeting Agenda:

    • Additional Agenda items are submitted to the Chair and posted online.

    • Example agenda: Opening Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, New Member Welcome, Report on items adopted (through the online forum), Reports from committees, Chairman’s report, Debates originating from the forum, Featured Speaker or presentation, Brainstorming, Announcements by Republican Officials, Closing Prayer.

  5. Debates:

    • The chairman selects a proponent and an opponent for the debate from those who express a desire.

    • Those who initiated the thread always have the first right to be the proponent.

    • The chairman may allow the committee to select debaters from a list of candidates they choose.

    • Each debater gets three minutes to present, extendable to six minutes at the Chairman's discretion for complex issues.

    • Each debater answers three questions, three each from members of their choosing.

    • The chairman may ask three additional questions at their discretion to clarify the issue. The chairman is not allowed to comment beyond the questions.

    • All members vote on the issue at the conclusion of the debate. The motion is adopted if the "agrees" have the majority, and it fails if the "disagrees" have the majority.

  6. Brainstorming Session:

    • After all debates, members can move for a brainstorming session to foster new ideas (new Business).

    • The session is led by the chairman and involves tossing a ball or recognizing members who wish to speak.

    • Members raise their hands to be recognized, and the ball is thrown to them, or they are recognized.

    • If anyone wants to comment on what a member said, they can raise their hand, and the ball will be thrown to them, or the previous speaker will recognize them.

    • This process continues until no one wants to speak on that topic, and then the ball is thrown back to the chairman, who repeats the process.

  7. Meeting Types:

    • Regular Meetings: Follow the debate procedure outlined above.

    • Special Meetings: Members give directions to the chair. If no direction is given, the chair decides whether to use other parliamentary or debate procedures.

    • Discipline Meetings: Follow Roberts Rules of Order for parliamentary procedures.

    • Organizational Meetings: Follow Robert's Rules of Order.

  8. Bylaws and Constitution Changes:

    • Changes to bylaws require a 2/3rd vote and must include a debate if there is any opposition.

    • Changes to the Constitution require a ¾ vote and must include a debate if there is any opposition.

Debate Procedures for Holding Meetings

Debate procedures were developed to allow County and State Central Committees to get more things done more quickly while better ascertaining the will of the committee. Debate procedures help to eliminate in fighting and helps to eliminate power structures within committees that silence debate and opinion. Utilizing modern technologies allows for civil debates and allows the party to get much more work completed than what they otherwise would. Many items can be agreed or eliminated before physical meetings. The best part is that everyone gets to be heard and they do not have to become a master of Robert's Rules of Orders. Robert's Rules of Order is 715 pages and in truth, even with parliamentarians, it is so complex, that it is often misrepresented, misinterpreted, or ignored to silence opposition to the establishment.

Debate procedures are easy to incorporate into your bylaws to accomplish a new way to do business - a much better way to do the business of the committee. Here is an example of how to add debate procedures to your bylaws