If you are running for State Central Committee
You must be a registered Republican in Ohio - (voted in a Republican Primary within the last 2 years)
You must be a citizen of the United States
You must be an Ohio resident
You must be 18 years of age
You must live in the district you are running for
You must file form 2-J at your local County Board of Elections.
Form 2-J requires a minimum of 5 valid signatures - you should get 15 signatures from registered Republicans within the County that you reside.
If you are running for County Central Committee
You must be a registered Republican in Ohio - (voted in a Republican Primary within the last 2 years)
You must be a citizen of the United States
You must be an Ohio resident
You must be 18 years of age
You must live in the district you are running for
You must file form 2-L at your local County Board of Elections.
Form 2-L requires a minimum of 5 valid signatures - you should get 15 signatures from registered Republicans within the County that you reside.